Ahmed Zerouali | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Eunjong Choi | Kyoto Institute of Technology |
Fabio Palomba | University of Salerno (Italy) |
Gábor Antal | University of Szeged, Hungary |
Gema Rodriguez Perez | The University of British Columbia |
Gregorio Robles | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos |
Heng Li | Polytechnique Montréal |
Hirohisa Aman | Ehime University |
Hironori Washizaki | Waseda University |
Hongyu Zhang | The University of Newcastle |
Jinfu Chen | Wuhan University |
Jingbo Wang | Purdue University |
Jiri Gesi | Amazon Science |
Jordan Samhi | University of Luxembourg |
Juan Zhai | University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Koji Toda | Fukuoka Institute of Technology |
Leandro Minku | University of Birmingham |
Lili Wei chair | McGill University |
Martin Shepperd | Brunel University London |
Maxime Lamothe | Polytechnique Montreal |
Ming Wen | Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Miroslaw Staron | Chalmers | University of Gothenburg |
Neng Zhang | Central China Normal University |
Sousuke Amasaki | Okayama Prefectural University |
Steffen Herbold | TU Clausthal |
Weiyi Shang chair | University of Waterloo |
Xiaoyu Sun | The Australian National University |
Yepang Liu | Southern University of Science and Technology |
Yiming Tang chair | Rochester Institute of Technology |
Yongqiang Tian | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Yuming Zhou | National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University |
Zhe Yu | Rochester Institute of Technology |